5 Natural Homemade Hair Loss Remedies You’ll Love!

Posted on: October 10, 2014

The Natural Hair Loss Remedies’ Ingredients: Nettles, Yeast, Peppers & Silica


The nutrients contained in this plant make it THE anti hair loss plant par excellence. Iron, amino acids, zinc, vitamin B and silica tremendously contribute to scalp skin cell renewal.
Simply macerate 100g leaves stinging nettles in a half-liter of 60 ° alcohol, 500 ml of water and 500 ml of vinegar for 10 days. Then use the mix to Massage your scalp every night at bedtime.


Rich in vitamin B which is good for hair, the yeast makes it stronger and less brittle. The following recipe is ideal for preventing hair loss cases related to season change, but also to stress, fatigue and / or poor diet.

The method: Take 15 tablets of brewer’s yeast daily for two months. Once your hair has regained its vitality and you see that you loose less of it, continue the treatment with 7-8 tablets daily for around 4 weeks.


Red peppers are known to activate blood circulation. It can give a reasonable boost to the hair.
Macerate a few small red peppers in half a liter of alcohol for 15 days. Use this lotion to massage your scalp every morning or once every 2 days.


If you have a deficiency in silica, the mineral that strengthens nails and hair, it may explain why your hair becomes brittle and starts falling easily.
The solution: Each morning take a tablespoon of colloidal or mineral silica (available in health food stores) in half a glass of water. Once you see improvement and feel that your hair falls less, you can take the silica once every 3 days.

Plant mask

Try this beauty recipe to strengthen your hair and slow-down the loss: Macerate 50 g watercress, 15 juniper berries and two tablespoons nasturtium seeds in 250 ml of olive oil for 3 days.
Then apply the mask on the scalp and make sure you spread it evenly and thoroughly all over the hair.
Wrap your hair in a towel and leave for two to three hours prior to a mild shampoo.

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