Argan Oil As Scalp Treatment

Posted on: March 16, 2013

Hair is universally considered to be one of the most distinguishing assets that reflect our personality. Hence, clean & healthy hair stands high on most of people´s health priority list.

This concern tends to eclipse the value of one very important variable in this whole beauty equation: our scalp!

Sooner or later, though, it stages a protest & pipes up.

No wonder that a lot of people are then not only irritated but also embarrassed when it comes to the occurrence of scalp problems:

  • (BIG) thick scales, and large white skin flakes on their shoulders
  • Derangingly oily scalp & hair
  • Ugly scalp acne

Ultimately, an itchy, flaky dry or oily scalp is a common nightmare that worries everyone of us at one point or another in time, and this can even become an on-going concern.

Is It Time For You To Start A Scalp Treatment?

If you have a dry, flaky or oily (maybe even pimpled!) scalp, it may be time to make some tweaks to your hair-care routine. But before I get into helpful tips you can apply (and most of them for free, so read on), I want to go through a small variety of conditions that can be the root-cause of these problem symptoms & which can also reach a severe dandruff stage if not treated early enough:

  • Weather changes (i.e. winter & cold climates or moving frequently in & out of heated areas)
  • Temperature alterations and/or humidity
  • Harsh ingredients in hair products
  • Stress
  • Heredity
  • Strong hormonal changes (like in puberty)
  • Deficiency of some nutrients (i.e. fatty acids & vitamin B which Argan oil has plenty of!)
  • Spicy foods, and foods rich in sugar & salt
  • Alcohol consumption excess
  • Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Scalp psoriasis
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (a form of eczema)

But the cause may be as simple as the way you take care of your hair. Another common, hard to deal with, scalp plague is the oily scalp especially for people with long hair.


Most of the people affected by this problem probably know the ambiguity dilemma of the products offered on the market for treating this problem: Most oil-reducing solutions offered are reported to over-dry the ends of the hair.

when I shampoo every day to prevent my oily scalp, my hair gets so dry, but if I use conditioner, the hair at my scalp looks oily within hours.

So one has to try to apply & massage the shampoo only at the scalp (without hair) as these scalp astringents & oil removing tonics available for oily scalp are designed only to be applied to the scalp area.

And apply the conditioner only on the ends of hair because when much is applied, it runs down into the rest of hair, and this results in striping the oils from the hair as well.

Acne can break out also on the scalp, since the scalp is just skin & this can be annoying.

Many people with acne breakouts on the scalp also have oily scalp conditions – Oily skin leads most of the time to acne flare-ups in most cases, these problems can be only controlled, but not cured.

Yet, the majority of the medicated products & various medical treatments out there, pretending to treat these conditions often contain chemicals like coal tar, topical corticosteroid, sulfur, selenium, zinc, pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, sulfide, or ketoconazole.

A lot of people seem to reach only for the quick solutions & neglect the fact that these chemicals simply worsen the condition one way or another.

Worst still, many times, you hear the user complain about an allergic or irritant reaction to shampoos, styling gels, or other hair products in use with a mixture of the chemicals mentioned above after a certain amount of time, resulting in an additional problem instead of solving the initial one!

Argan Oil As A Scalp Treatment

Remember that your scalp is a very sensitive area… , let alone when you use hair products containing chemicals only God knows what their impact in the long run will be.

Watch what you put on your hair & scalp to take care of it.

In the case of the acne breakouts, most of the cleansers used contain acid.

That´s why they are very stripping & will dry your hair out quickly & completely.

But if you´re — like me — more into effective one-stop solutions, here comes Argan oil in handy

as a very promising & efficient oil treatment additionally to its wide list of benefits.

A lot of people swear by Argan oil when it comes — among others — to scalp treatment. We´re part of those people!

Argan oil has won a dear place as a scalp treatment among many experienced dermatologists for treating dry scalp, oily scalp & mild dandruff equally well, and will enable you to easily handle these annoying concerns.

For a more detailed how-to, you might also want to check this article:

Pure Argan Oil As An Efficient Dry And Oily Scalp Treatment

What do you recommend as a natural scalp treatment?


  • Lisa Hill

    I use coconut oil twice a week before wash my hair but what you have suggested can also be effective treatment for dry and itchy scalp. I will definitely recommend this oil as well. Thanks for sharing.

  • Mustapha

    Thank you for the guide, really was helpful.

    • A

      You’re welcome. Glad you found the post helpful 🙂


  • Can it be used to cure dandruff?

  • Can argan oil be applied to oily scalp. Is it helpfull for oily dandruff. It seems to aggravate the dandruff when i apply argan oil. Pls suggest.

    • A

      Hi Anshul,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Yes, numerous of our recurrent clients are successfully using Argan oil for the issue you mentioned above, however, that doesn’t mean that Argan oil is for everyone.

      Please note that in many cases (especially for folks that suffer acne), that the issue gets slightly worst than usual, before disappearing.

      Since pure Argan oil is a natural product, some people may react to it with an allergy etc.. This is why, if you say your dandruff got more, it is highly advisable to visit a doctor to be on the sure side.

      Cheers 🙂

  • Great article – do you recommend pure argan oil, or some kind of hair product with argan oil as the main ingredient (such as argan oil treatment)?

    • A
      Bader Eddine

      Thanks for stopping by, Elise.

      I’d recommend to use pure cosmetic Argan oil alone. But if you want to mix it with something else, try only natural ingredients.
      Here in Morocco, many women mix it with the Ghassoul clay and the mix is highly effective not only as a treatment but also as a weekly hair-beauty regimen.
      Let me know if you wish to have a “local” recipe about it 😉

      • Thanks for the info about the Ghassoul clay! I had never seen that before. What local recipe are you referring to :)?

        • A
          Bader Eddine

          Hi Elise,
          You’re welcome.

          Here you go:

          This receipe is for the ready-to-use Ghassoul (either powder or the small stoney one).


          ≈ 80-100 g of Ghassoul
          1 Tea spoon of Argan oil (can also be replaced with black seed oil, lavender oil, almond oil etc..)
          1 Table spoon of honey
          1 Table spoon of milk (milk powder works as well)
          1 egg yolk
          Hot water or hot camomille tea (up to your needs)

          Put the Ghassoul + milk in a bowl & start adding the hot liquid (water or tea) a little by little. The goal is to have a kind of a muddy consistency.

          Please note that the clay usually absorbs the liquid after some minutes, so make sure you mix well before adding any liquid again.

          After that add the honey, egg + the Argan oil & mix well again.

          Once a week (some use it even 2-3/w) before taking a shower / bath, leave in your hear for between 15 to 25 minutes with a shower cap on, before washing your hair.

          Ghassoul clay is also used as a body wrap & facial mask (even daily as a quick face-wash).
          You also can keep left-overs in the fridge.

          Enjoy! 🙂

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